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Bone Grafting

3D-rendered cross-section of a dental implant placed in to jaw boneFor a dental implant to be successful, you must have a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw. If your bone is too thin or soft, it may cause the implant to fail. Patients with inadequate bone may need to undergo a bone graft.

Bone deficiencies can be the result of:
•  Genetic and developmental defects
•  Untreated tooth loss
•  Periodontal disease
•  Injury or trauma to the face

Bone grafting is used to build up new bone in the area of your jaw that will eventually hold a dental implant. The procedure is relatively simple, and might be an integral step to improving the function and aesthetics of your smile!

Type of Bone Grafts

Graft material can come from a variety of sources. Regardless of which bone graft you receive, the results will be the same - new, healthy bone that will be able to support a dental implant.

There are four types of bone grafts:
•  Autograft. Taking bone from a bone-rich area of your body, and moving it to another. The bone may come from your chin, hip, or another part of your mouth.
•  Allograft. Taking bone from a human donor. This material comes from a tissue bank.
•  Xenograft. Taking bone from another animal, typically a cow.
•  Alloplast. Using synthetic materials produced in a laboratory.

Other Bone Augmentation

Depending on your circumstance, we may recommend other forms of bone augmentation, including:
•  Sinus lift. Upper posterior teeth (molars and premolars) are some of the hardest to restore. This area of the jaw tends to be naturally thin. A sinus lift will add more bone to this area. During the procedure, your sinuses are gently lifted to make room for the bone graft material.
•  Ridge modification. If your jaw is not wide enough to support an implant, you may need a ridge expansion. During the procedure, we will make a small division in the ridge, and fill it with graft material.
•  Socket preservation. After tooth extraction, we can preserve the socket and reduce bone loss. During the procedure, your socket will be filled with bone graft material to keep the socket in its original shape.

Schedule a Consultation

Call Driver Dentistry at (541) 236-4999 to schedule a consultation appointment now!
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Bone Grafts Roseburg OR | Driver Dentistry
Curious about Bone Grafts? Visit our website to learn how Bone Grafts from Driver Dentistry can help improve your smile and oral health. Servicing Roseburg OR and surrounding areas.
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